Company profile and structure
SPP is the largest energy supplier in Slovakia, guaranteeing reliable, secure and competitive energy supplies and related services to nearly 1.5 million customers in all regions of Slovakia. It also operates in the Czech Republic and carries out its trading activities throughout the whole of Europe. SPP is also dedicated to the provision of energy services, energy smart solutions, development of alternative transport and the development of the production and supply of renewable energies (electricity and biomethane). SPP has been operating as a purchaser of electricity generated from renewable energy sources and high-efficiency cogeneration since 2020. Together with the Czech ČEZ Group, SPP established the company ESCO Slovensko, a.s., which operates in the field of energy services and energy efficiency. Through its subsidiary SPP CNG s.r.o., it supports the development of use of CNG and LNG in transport as an alternative to traditional fuels. SPP carries out its social responsibility and philanthropy activities through Ekofond SPP, n.o., SPP Foundation, SPP Gallery andSlovak Gas Museum. Since 2014, the Slovak Republic has owned 100% of the shares of Slovenský plynárenský priemysel, a.s., which exercises its shareholder rights through the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic.
SPP has implemented international standards and recommendations in the area of corporate governance, through which it is interested in increasing the transparency of its business activities and contributing to the overall improvement of standards in this area in Slovakia, based in particular on recommendations of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
For more information please visit Corporate governance